SuperTracer Object Tracking

StreamLine SuperTracer is the latest addition, targeted for industrial use and any other application that need a minimum size while maintaining the exact same options and server connection the full-size units have.

    Key Features

  • Extremely small and lightweight.
  • Weight 130 grams, including antennas
  • Wide operating temperature range
  • Quad-band for worldwide coverage
  • Ultra low power consumption
  • Excellent GPS accuracy including full-size GPS antenna
  • Multiple watchdog levels for maximum stability
  • Remote configurable to fit any job
  • Configuration can be both Server and Event driven, 300+ different events, over 4000 geozones.
  • Runs local user scripts via .src files.
  • Field upgradeable firmware via GPRS
  • Supports backup server configuration
  • User definable SMS commands
  • Optional Audio with onboard microphone


  • · Object protection and tracking
  • · Logistics
  • · Security and surveillance

Object Tracking

The functionality of the module can be programmed. By default, the module will take 1 position each day. First the positioning is carried out with GPS. GPS accuracy is 3 meter CEP. If no GPS fix can be obtained, the module will determine the position upon LBS. The LBS position is based upon a GSM mast scan and provides less accuracy compared to GPS. In city areas, the accuracy is about 50-1500 meters. Alternatively, optional a RFID transmitter can be used at remote locations. When the module receives the unique code, the position is determined on basis of the location of the RFID transmitter. Optional LoRa support With StreamLine IOT Gateways, location of objects is determined with triangulation. In each object, a small battery powered LoRa chip is placed which transmits a signal. That signal is received by the StreamLine IOT Gateways .. and based upon time difference in receiving the signal from the object in the know locations of the StreamLine IOT Gateways, the location of the object can be determined. This means that there is no need for GPS, no need for GPRS, no need for 2.4 Ghz RF ... or is there?? LoRa will only be received by LoRa receivers, which can be up to 15 km from the object. The LoRa alliance is creating more and more coverage, but until enough coverage is created... having options in devices is a good idea.. StreamLine LoRa Tags have optional GPS/GPRS/RF, providing the extra data needed to find objects.. When no LoRa is available, the GPS sensor will be activated and the GSM/GPRS sensor.. The GSM location will be determined and if possible (car not inside) also the GPS position. .That information will be send with GPRS. When the object is located, the RF signal will provide the exact distance to the object.

  • - GPS = 3 meter precision
  • - LoRa = 3-30 meter precision
  • - RF = 1 meter precision
  • - GSM = 50-1500 meter precision


StreamLine IOT SuperTracer

Note: StreamLine is known for it super low power solutions. No need for power connections.